CyberWars – The Rules of Engagement

CyberWars – The Rules of Engagement

The internet has given the world many new things, including a new theatre of war. Attacks, defense and counter-attacks take place in cyberspace as much as they do on land, in the air, and at sea. So, in defense of national security, is it okay for a government to...
Stop Drowning the Chief Data Officer

Stop Drowning the Chief Data Officer

For businesses in many industries, the role of chief data officer is something new. But it is a position that is becoming increasingly central to the way that businesses are run. Despite their importance to future success, many companies fail terribly in their...
When Privacy and Security Collide

When Privacy and Security Collide

The US president, Barack Obama, attended a cyber security summit at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California in February. Around the same time he signed an executive order designed to encourage companies to share threat information with each other, and with the...
The Rise of Impersonator Bots-DDoS

The Rise of Impersonator Bots-DDoS

Distributed Denial of Service attacks are on the rise. At best it might mean your website is unavailable for a couple of hours. At worst, the most malicious can cost companies thousands upon thousands of dollars. Ofer Gayer, a security researcher writing for...
Don’t Neglect Data Relevance

Don’t Neglect Data Relevance

It is okay to have incomplete or inaccurate data in your system. That’s a statement that would make many business executives shudder. But in a sense it is true – a focus on accuracy and completeness without also looking at relevance can result in very unhelpful...