Past, Present & Future of BI Performance

Past, Present & Future of BI Performance

Improved business performance has been a promise of business intelligence gathering since forever. However it is in the last two decades that the technologies and processes have progressed to a point where they are genuinely beginning to help. While the advances in...
Big Data Trends in Business Intelligence

Big Data Trends in Business Intelligence

In the fast evolving and fast improving world of business analytics, big data has an increasing role to play in making intelligent business decisions. But not only is the role big data plays in your business intelligence analytics increasing, but so is the data...
A 50-billion Device Security Headache

A 50-billion Device Security Headache

With the huge growth in mundane devices, everything from fridges to light bulbs, being connected and integrated with each other in the new ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT), the scope for hackers has grown right alongside with it. The new network has undoubtedly...
Rise in Big Data Analytics Spending Plans

Rise in Big Data Analytics Spending Plans

2015 is really the year that big data analytics is coming of age. Louis Columbus, writing in Forbes about the recent IDG Enterprise study, “2015 Big Data and Analytics, Insights Into Initiatives and Strategies Driving Data Investments,” provides us with some startling...
Succes of IAM

Succes of IAM

Identity and access management (IAM) is the cornerstone of cyber security when it comes to people and systems. It ensures that only approved people can access certain resources and systems. But what happens when you add the myriad of devices that are set to become...