Why Polling Prediction Failed – Data Quality
In the modern world, data and information are driving forces of any business or operation. Poor data analysis can lead to unfortunate circumstances for any company or public organization. We only need to look at the latest election to see how false data collection and...

11 Ways IoT Changes The World
Introduction The hype surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT) is starting to die down. What we are seeing in its place is the emergence of new technologies using the IoT that are truly useful and groundbreaking. This is happening across a range of sectors, from...

Are Marketers Confused By The Internet Of Things
Do marketers really understand the Internet of Things? Does anyone outside those involved developing Internet of Things technologies really understand what it’s about? Of course, it’s about connecting anything - everything - to the internet for control and/or data...
Winning the Big Data Race
The use of big data and advanced analytics are slowly moving from theory into practice in the business world. However, the use of these potential game-changers is noticeably different across varying industries – even when there is an obvious application. While in...
Security Questions for Vendors
Almost every day there is news of yet another security breach. Yet still too many organizations assume they are immune from attack because they practice their own 'good hygiene' when it comes to internal security. Time and time again, however, companies are breached...
Risk Based Security
Those of us in the world of cybersecurity are facing increasingly dynamic threats from profit-driven and sophisticated cybercriminals. We are now living in a world where attacks are driven, more and more, by well-funded organized crime as well as nation states. Given...
RASP Approach
Typically, the method of dealing with SQL injection attacks is to install a firewall in learning mode and train it to recognize attacks. This is far from perfect, but until now it's been the only way. However, there are now claims that this has been solved with a...
Gartner Magic Quadrant Review
Advanced analytics are increasingly becoming major factors in the analytics market. The Magic Quadrant 2015 review evaluates 16 of the leading providers of advanced analytics platforms that enable the user to build solutions from scratch. In the report, advanced...
Advanced Analytics For Your Business
Advanced analytics is a top priority for many businesses. While it is hardly new, having existed for over 20 years, big data has accelerated its importance within all kinds of businesses. Many business functions now have a legitimate interest in the capability offered...
Prediction and Advanced Analytics
Many of the statistical techniques are useful for both prediction and explanation in the world of advanced analytics. However, certain techniques are necessarily more suited for one than the other. For example, techniques such as Mixed Linear Models are primarily used...
Five Predictions for the Future of Information Dashboards
More and more businesses realize the value of data visualizations and there are now many predictions for the future of the meteoric rise of the information dashboard. The past couple of years have seen huge movement in the industry, and with more and more businesses...
Big Data Killer App Will be IOT
For a long time now, companies have been investing in big data initiatives. It was understood that by bringing in many disparate sources under one roof, then all that data would become a gold mine of valuable information. A gold mine that can lead to new revenue...