Electrical Signature Analysis: The Key to Accurate Predictive Maintenance in Industrial Motors
In industrial settings, predictive maintenance is essential to keep machines running smoothly and prevent costly failures. Electrical signature analysis (ESA) is a critical technology in this field, enabling more accurate fault detection in even hard-to-reach electric...

How PowerLink Provides a Holistic View of Your Electric Assets
Through electrical signature analysis (ESA), GRT PowerLink performs careful electric asset health monitoring, detecting developing faults in the asset itself and in the coupled mechanism it drives. PowerLink can perform these operations from outside the asset, reading...

How to Use Predictive Maintenance for Your Industrial Electric Motors
Electric motors are critical to today’s industrial processes. In recent years, they have used as much as 68% of electricity in all of U.S. manufacturing, providing for essential industrial processes including pumps, fans, refrigeration, compressors, and facility HVAC...
Preventing disaster at Power Plant
KievPost FoxNews Chernobyl accident A power plant must be monitored to ensure that it doesn’t fail, which could be a real disaster. That’s why you need an effective monitoring solution to prevent such a scenario. An integrated power plant operation monitoring (PPOM)...
Achieving Commercial Success From IoT
Intro What will break Internet of Things (IoT) out of the novelty basket and into the mainstream? When we say mainstream, we mean television and mobile phone mainstream, i.e. in every household and in every pocket. The answer is data - people pay for data-based...
Drive Business Success Through New Clarity
All businesses strive to get the best possible outcome in an uncertain and competitive world. But really achieving that goal means businesses must understand their complete contexts — themselves, their competition, and the markets they serve — far more clearly and...
Pushing Limits Of Analytics With IoT
Introduction The traditional method of analyzing data once it has been collected and saved is no longer fit for purpose. Today's technology requires data analysis while it is being created, while it is being transferred from one device to another, and while it is at...
Why Polling Prediction Failed – Data Quality
In the modern world, data and information are driving forces of any business or operation. Poor data analysis can lead to unfortunate circumstances for any company or public organization. We only need to look at the latest election to see how false data collection and...
How Machine Learning Makes IoT Relevant
Many of the manufacturers involved in developing IoT technology are still finding a way through the evolving landscape. Most, however, remain focussed on convenience. Convenience products won’t sell in significant quantities, however. Instead IoT devices that are...
Where Are People Going With Machine Learning In 2017
Machine learning is an industry in flux. It is not a new industry, but new players are taking the field hoping to make a big impact, sometimes without anything tangible to base that hope on. Many will fail but the result is likely to be a more coherent approach to...
What You Can Expect In 2017 For IOT
When you look at expert predictions for what will happen in the IoT space in 2017, it is clear technologies and thinking is both advancing quickly. It is also clear that traditional industries and brands face challenges from nimbler newcomers, with some of those...
Machines Can Learn, But How?
Many experts predict that machine learning (which any companies are currently investing in significantly) will be responsible for the most important breakthroughs in history. That includes being more important than the industrial revolution or the introduction of...